LGBTLGBT+ Crypto Coin

2 min readNov 4, 2022

LGBT+ is a decentralised payment crypto coin in LGBT Ecosystem. All around the world LGBT payment accepted by Ethereum Blockchain (ERC-20 Wallet). In future LGBT community team planning to build own blockchain and move LGBT+ Coin to own open source.

Pink Economy

Harness the economic might of the worldwide LGBT community by implementing a viable payment system for goods and services.

As many people around the world as possible will have access to the information they need and possibly change their lives for the better

The LGBT population is about 10% of the total population of the Planet — 700 million people.The potential of the LGBT blockchain is inexhaustible. Total turnover and services alone reach $ 5 trillion.

LGBT+ coin adopt the among its 25m users — some 10% of the LGBT community worldwide — and accept the LGBT+ Token as a means of payment for its services.


One of the major challenges currently facing most cryptocurrencies is that they are not yet viable in a real world setting, or for utility use on a daily basis. The LGBT Community aims to overcome that hurdle by working with businesses and partners that have agreed to adopt the LGBT+ Coin (Token) as part of their everyday transactional business models.

Bits Money Wallet

Bits Money Wallet will allow 25 million users to send and receive money to and from one another, as well as purchase services and goods via LGBT+ Coin. The goal is to provide a simple and intuitive interface so users can use their wallet without having any prior expertise with cryptocurrencies.

Donate to The LGBT Community

By supporting The LGBT community , you are doing your part as a community member to help fund Exchange listings, development, marketing and all the things that you want in LGBT+ Coin (Token). All LGBT funds are welcome and can be monitored and sent to the LGBT Community address: Bitcoin: Ethereum: USDT.

